Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Update: The Puppies Are Growing and Doing Well!

Here is a picture of mama dog Eleanor and one of her seven puppies, which may become our puppy one day. We are hoping to get one of the tan females and will name her Dinah. There are two tan females, so this may be the one. We hear the puppies and mom are all still doing well. The pups are 17 days old today. We can't wait until they are old enough for us to adopt. We have purchased a book on raising a puppy and are learning to be good dads. Here's the link to my original post about their birth 


  1. Awwwwwww. I was won over in less than a millisecond. May this little girl be the one. [I daren't ask about the others.]

  2. So cute! I got all the feelz once I figured out that that puppy didn't have a humongous squirrel tail!
